4 Tips in Controlling Psoriasis Itching at Night - Our Health Guide
Psoriasis is a skin disorder that has to do with the immune system. When an individual with this condition falls ill, the person’s system will go into overdrive and mistakenly attack the healthy skin cells. Common signs and symptoms of psoriasis include red patches of skin covered with thick, silvery scales; small scaling spots; and not to mention itching, burning, or soreness.
The word psoriasis is derived from the Greek word “psora,” which means “to itch.” There’s nothing more annoying than having to deal with constant itching at night brought by this skin condition. The itching can occur at any time of day; it can also affect you at night and seriously impact your sleep.
In this article, we will share with you four tips on how to overcome sleepless nights due to psoriasis itching. Keep on reading to find out more.
1. Have a bedroom ideal for sleeping
As you have psoriasis, make sure that you’ll do what it takes to make your bedroom conducive for sleeping. These include making your room a bit cool but not too cold, turning off all sources of light, having a mattress that conforms to your body and provides support, and having a clean, highly sanitized environment. All these steps taken can give you a cosy place that can somehow reduce the psoriasis symptoms of itching.
2. Create a sleep routine schedule
It’s vital to have a consistent sleeping routine based on your body clock. Try to go to bed at the same time every night and wake up at the same time every morning. Make sure to stick to this schedule even during holidays and weekends. Doing so will help your body naturally sleep, despite the disturbing itchiness. Furthermore, consult your doctor as to the best time to sleep if you are taking any medications for psoriasis. While you’re at it, ask for specific medicines that may help relieve itching.
3. Have a regular workout
Various studies show how exercise can significantly combat insomnia. This, too, applies to your situation of being unable to sleep due to psoriasis itching. Make sure to work out regularly to set the rhythm of your body. At least a 30-minute exercise each day, five times a week will do. You can also perform regular aerobic activities such as walking, biking, or swimming. However, talk to your doctor first before you start any new exercise routine.
4. Apply moisturizer before sleeping
There is a wide range of products available in the market that will help you stop itching. Among all these, using a thick and greasy moisturizer before bed can be your best bet. Apply moisturizer on the plaques on your hands or feet. Make sure to slip on cotton socks and gloves before going to bed to keep.
As you can see, having psoriasis can impact the quality of your life. One of these is not being able to sleep soundly due to frequent itchiness. By following some of the valuable tips mentioned above, you will somehow be able to overcome your challenges in sleeping.
Apart from these, make sure to manage your life’s stress, practice meditation, use home remedies for your skin or get over-the-counter treatments, and talk to your therapist. All these will help you rise above your current situation with psoriasis.
We provide a 30-day treatment system for people who have psoriasis using specially formulated and custom-made products. If you have psoriasis struggling to sleep at night due to itchiness, get in touch with us to see how we can help!